Cookie Policy

In this cookie policy, also known as Cookie Policy, you can find out what cookies are and how we use them, the type of cookies, the information we collect with cookies and how this information is used. Finally, we tell you how you can set cookies as desired. For more information about how we use them, where we store them and how we keep your data safe, we also refer to our privacy policy and/or the general terms and conditions.

To learn more about who we are, how to contact us regarding this cookie policy, etc., please refer to our privacy policy. In addition, we would also like to refer you to the GDPR policy of the European Union to learn more about cookies, their obligations and your rights.

What are cookies

Cookies are small text files that contain certain information.

These files are stored on your device and are loaded in your browser when you visit this website (again). These cookies help us to make the website function correctly, to make the website more secure, to give you a better user experience, and to understand how the website would perform and allow us to analyze web traffic so that we can optimize our website, which will then give you a better and optimal user experience.

Use of cookies

As with most online services, our website uses cookies both “first-party” and “third-party” cookies for a variety of reasons.

First-party cookies are mainly necessary for the website to function, they do not collect or store personal data that can be traced back to you personally.

We use third-party cookies on our website to understand how it works, how a user interacts with our website, how we can keep the website secure, and if we deliver advertisements, how we can make them as relevant as possible, to ultimately provide a smoother and improved user experience, as well as speed up the website for future interactions.

Set cookie preferences

By using our website, you will automatically accept the cookie policy. Of course, you can also adjust your personal preferences by changing the settings in your browser or by using specific software.

In most web browsers, one can consult, block or delete the cookies used. For more information on how to do this, you can read the manual or “readme” of your browser.

For more information we also recommend a visit to or

Which cookies?

Below is an overview per category of cookies that we use.

Some cookies are necessary to let you experience a fully functional website. For example, they contain data from the user session and help to avoid security risks. These cookies do not collect and/or store any personal information. These cookies make it possible, for example, to log in to your personal account, to purchase products and to pay securely.

Some cookies store the number of visitors, the number of unique visitors, which pages are visited, the source of the visitor, etc. This allows us to understand, analyze, and improve the use of this site where necessary.

Our website can display advertisements. Another website can also display advertisements about our company after a visit to our website. Cookies can then be used to ensure that this advertisement is applicable to you. These cookies also help us determine whether our campaigns are successful or where we need to improve them. We can also share the information in these cookies with a third party, after which this party may also display other advertisements. You can read more about this on the website of this third party.

These cookies help to make non-essential parts of this website function. Think of videos, or content to share on social media platforms. If a third party is involved, you can read on their website how they deal with cookies.

These cookies help to store your settings and preferences. This way we give you a better experience because we remember your language for a next visit.

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